In this example, we implement basic queries with the table as an object: insert, update, deletion, and fetching.
Components used in this example
Implementation of the table bugs
class MyBugs extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
protected $_name = 'bugs';
Implementation of the queries
- We define the set of the available fetching modes.
class MyDbTable
// We define the set of the available fetching modes.
private $_fetchModes = array(
private $_dbAdmin;
Storing the database management object
public function __construct($dbAdmin)
$this->_dbAdmin = $dbAdmin;
Processing a query- We get the method, the row details, and the fetching mode from the GET request. Or we get the request to restore the database.
- If the user requested to restore the database, we load the initial data.
- If the user is running a query, we import the existing data into the database if they are available. Otherwise, we load the initial data.
- We define the default adapter.
- If the user requested to fetch data, we return the selected rows.
- If the user requested to insert data, we return the row identifier.
- If the user requested to update data, we return the number of rows updated.
- If the user requested to delete data, we return the number of rows deleted.
- We export the database.
- If we catch an exception, we return the error message.
public function process()
// We get the method, the row details, and the fetching mode from the GET request.
// Or we get the request to restore the database.
list($method, $row, $mode, $restore) = $this->_getParameters();
$data = array();
try {
if ($restore) {
// If the user requested to restore the database, we load the initial data.
$data = $this->_dbAdmin->import(true);
$result = 'Database restored!';
} else {
// If the user is running a query, we import the existing data into the database
// if they are available. Otherwise, we load the initial data.
$data = $this->_dbAdmin->import();
// We define the default adapter.
switch ($method) {
case 'fetchAll':
case 'fetchRow':
// If the user requested to fetch data, we return the selected rows.
$result = $this->_fetch($row, $method, $mode);
case 'insert';
// If the user requested to insert data, we return the row identifier.
$id = $this->_insert($row);
$result = $id? "Row $id was inserted!" : 'No row was inserted!';
case 'update';
// If the user requested to update data, we return the number of rows updated.
$nb = $this->_update($row);
$result = "$nb row(s) were updated!";
case 'delete';
// If the user requested to delete data, we return the number of rows deleted.
$nb = $this->_delete($row);
$result = "$nb row(s) were deleted!";
$result = 'Please select a method and fill in values as needed!';
// We export the database.
$data = $this->_dbAdmin->export();
} catch (Exception $e) {
// If we catch an exception, we return the error message.
$result = $e->getMessage();
return array($row, $method, $mode, $data, $result);
Extraction of the parameters from the GET request- We extract the query method.
- We extract the fetching mode. We ignore invalid modes.
- We extract the row details. We ignore invalid columns.
private function _getParameters()
// We extract the query method.
$method = isset($_GET['method'])? $_GET['method'] : null;
// We extract the fetching mode. We ignore invalid modes.
$mode = (isset($_GET['mode']) and
isset($this->_fetchModes[$_GET['mode']]))? $_GET['mode'] : null;
// We extract the row details. We ignore invalid columns.
$row = $this->_dbAdmin->filterColumns($_GET);
$restore = !empty($_GET['restore']);
return array($method, $row, $mode, $restore);
Inserting a row in a database table- We insert the row unless it is empty.
- We return the row identifier.
private function _insert($row)
$table = new MyBugs();
// We insert the row unless it is empty.
$id = empty($row)? null : $table->insert($row);
// We return the row identifier.
return $id;
Updating a row in a database table- We update one row if the identifier is given. Or we update all the rows.
- We return the number of updated rows.
private function _update($row)
$table = new MyBugs();
// We update one row if the identifier is given. Or we update all the rows.
$where = empty($row['id'])? array() : array('id = ?' => $row['id']);
$nb = $table->update($row, $where);
// We return the number of updated rows.
return $nb;
Deleting a row in a database table- We return the number of deleted rows.
private function _delete($row)
$table = new MyBugs();
// We return the number of deleted rows.
return $table->delete($this->_setWhere($row));
Fetching rows from a database table- We build the query using arrays.
- We set the fetching mode if requested.
- We fetch and we return the data.
private function _fetch($row, $method, $mode)
$table = new MyBugs();
$select = $table->select();
// We build the query using arrays.
foreach($this->_setWhere($row) as $column => $value) {
$select->where($column, $value);
// We set the fetching mode if requested.
$mode and $table->getAdapter()->setFetchMode($this->_fetchModes[$mode]);
// We fetch and we return the data.
return $table->$method($select)->toArray();
Building of the where clause
private function _setWhere($row)
$where = array();
foreach($row as $column => $value) {
$where["$column = ?"] = $value;
return $where;
Implementation of the queries
- We define a set of initial data.
class MyDbAdmin
const cookie = 'db-table';
// We define a set of initial data.
private $_data = array(
array('description' => 'fly', 'status' => 'buzzing', 'reported_by' => 'john'),
array('description' => 'bee', 'status' => 'gone', 'reported_by' => 'jane'),
array('description' => 'mosquito', 'status' => 'dead', 'reported_by' => 'john'),
private $_db;
private $_columns;
Creation of the database- We create the table named bugs. The description is mandatory and must be unique. The other fields have a default value.
public function create()
$this->_db = new Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Sqlite(array('dbname' => ':memory:'));
// We create the table named bugs.
// The description is mandatory and must be unique.
// The other fields have a default value.
$query = 'CREATE TABLE bugs ('
. 'description TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, '
. 'status TEXT DEFAULT "flying", '
. 'reported_by TEXT DEFAULT "unknown", '
Getting the database adapter object
public function getAdapter()
return $this->_db;
Importing the database- We import the data stored inside a cookie if available and valid. Or we use the initial data.
- We load the table named bug.
- We return the data. It is necessary to fetch the data from the database in order to get the entries with their default values.
public function import($restore = false)
// We import the data stored inside a cookie if available and valid.
// Or we use the initial data.
!$restore and isset($_COOKIE[self::cookie]) and
$data = unserialize(stripcslashes($_COOKIE[self::cookie])) and is_array($data) or
$data = $this->_data;
// We load the table named bug.
foreach($data as $row){
$row = $this->filterColumns($row);
$this->_db->insert('bugs', $row);
// We return the data.
// It is necessary to fetch the data from the database
// in order to get the entries with their default values.
return $this->_db->fetchAssoc('SELECT * FROM bugs');
Exporting the database- We fetch the data.
- We serialize the data and we store the data inside a cookie for one hour.
public function export()
// We fetch the data.
$data = $this->_db->fetchAssoc('SELECT * FROM bugs');
// We serialize the data and we store the data inside a cookie for one hour.
setcookie(self::cookie, serialize($data), time() + 3600, '/');
return $data;
Extracting the valid columns from an array of data
public function filterColumns($row)
$row = array_intersect_key($row, $this->_getColumns());
$row = array_filter($row);
return $row;
Getting the list of columns from the table
private function _getColumns()
if (empty($this->_columns)) {
foreach($this->_db->describeTable('bugs') as $column) {
$this->_columns[$column['COLUMN_NAME']] = true;
return $this->_columns;
Displaying items
class MyHtml
Displaying the title of the page based on the file name.
public static function printTitle()
$basename = basename(__FILE__, '.php');
$title = ucwords(str_replace('-' , ' ', $basename));
$zfVersion = Zend_Version::VERSION;
$phpVersion = phpversion();
echo "ZfEx $title (ZF/$zfVersion PHP/$phpVersion)";
Displaying a string or an array- If the data is an array, we convert the array into a set of lines.
- We converts special characters into HTML entities.
- We convert new-line characters into line breaks.
public static function display($mixed)
// If the data is an array, we convert the array into a set of lines.
is_array($mixed) and $mixed = implode("\n", $mixed);
$mixed = stripslashes($mixed);
// We converts special characters into HTML entities.
$mixed = htmlspecialchars($mixed, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
// We convert new-line characters into line breaks.
echo nl2br($mixed);
Displaying the selected option
public static function printSelected($value, $target)
$value == $target and print 'selected="selected"';
Colorization of data- We export the data as valid PHP code.
- We add the PHP tag, we colorize the code, we remove the PHP tag.
- We display the data.
public static function colorize($mixed)
// We export the data as valid PHP code.
$mixed = var_export($mixed, true);
// We add the PHP tag, we colorize the code, we remove the PHP tag.
$mixed = '<?' . "php $mixed";
$mixed = highlight_string($mixed, true);
$mixed = str_replace('<?php ', '', $mixed);
// We display the data.
echo "<pre>$mixed</pre>";
Processing the query
- We create the database.
- We get the database content and the result of the query, to display in the form.
$dbAdmin = new MyDbAdmin;
// We create the database.
$dbTable = new MyDbTable($dbAdmin);
// We get the database content and the result of the query, to display in the form.
list($row, $method, $mode, $data, $result) = $dbTable->process();
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title><?php MyHtml::printTitle();?></title>
<style type="text/css">
body, td {
font-family: arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 0.9em;
pre {
margin-top: 0;
<p>EXAMPLE <?php MyHtml::printTitle();?></p>
<hr />
<td><input type="text" name="id"
value="<?php isset($row['id']) and MyHtml::display($row['id']);?>" />
<td>Optional for inserts.
<br />Mandatory to update a specific row otherwise all rows are updated if blank.
<td><input type="text" name="description"
value="<?php isset($row['description']) and
MyHtml::display($row['description']);?>" />
<td>Mandatory on inserts.</td>
<td><input type="text" name="status"
value="<?php isset($row['status']) and
MyHtml::display($row['status']);?>" />
<td>Reported by</td>
<td><input type="text" name="reported_by"
value="<?php isset($row['reported_by']) and
MyHtml::display($row['reported_by']);?>" />
<td>Created on</td>
<td><input type="text" name="created_on"
value="<?php isset($row['created_on'])
and MyHtml::display($row['created_on']);?>" />
<tr><td><br /></td></tr>
<td>Fetch mode</td>
<select name="mode">
<option <?php MyHtml::printSelected($mode, 'FETCH_ASSOC');?>>FETCH_ASSOC</option>
<option <?php MyHtml::printSelected($mode, 'FETCH_NUM');?>>FETCH_NUM</option>
<option <?php MyHtml::printSelected($mode, 'FETCH_BOTH');?>>FETCH_BOTH</option>
<option <?php MyHtml::printSelected($mode, 'FETCH_COLUMN');?>>FETCH_COLUMN</option>
<option <?php MyHtml::printSelected($mode, 'FETCH_OBJ');?>>FETCH_OBJ</option>
<td>(Note: the mode does seem to have any effect with ZF 1.9.5 !)</td>
<select name="method">
<option <?php MyHtml::printSelected($method, 'fetchAll');?>>fetchAll</option>
<option <?php MyHtml::printSelected($method, 'fetchRow');?>>fetchRow</option>
<option <?php MyHtml::printSelected($method, 'insert');?>>insert</option>
<option <?php MyHtml::printSelected($method, 'update');?>>update</option>
<option <?php MyHtml::printSelected($method, 'delete');?>>delete</option>
<td>All rows are deleted or selected if values are left blank.</td>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
<td><a href="?restore=1">Restore default values</a></td>
<hr />
<?php MyHtml::colorize($result);?>
<hr />
<?php MyHtml::colorize($data);?>
Thanks for sharing