In this example, we implement a REST client and a REST server.
Components used in this example
MyRestClient MyRestServer MyScalarService MyArrayService MyHtml Entry point HTML | Try it | View source code
Implementation of the client
class MyRestClient
Processing the user request- We get the data and the action.
- We parse the data to get a scalar or an array.
- We set the server name. It is the same as the client plus one parameter to indicate it is the server.
- We get the list of remote methods. We remove the system methods.
- We process the request.
- If there is a XML node named response, we get the response that is a scalar.
- Otherwise we extract the array from the XML node.
- We add the response details if needed.
- If we catch an exception, we return the error message.
public function process()
// We get the data and the action.
list($data, $action, $response) = $this->_getParameters();
$methods = array();
try {
// We parse the data to get a scalar or an array.
$parsed = $this->_parseData($data);
// We set the server name.
// It is the same as the client plus one parameter to indicate it is the server.
$server = "http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?server=";
$client = new Zend_Rest_Client($server);
// We get the list of remote methods. We remove the system methods.
$get = $client->getFunctions()->get();
$methods = $this->_toArray($get->getFunctions);
$methods = preg_grep('~^(array|scalar)_\w+$~', $methods);
// We process the request.
if ($action) {
$get = $client->$action($parsed)->get();
if ($get->getStatus()) {
if (isset($get->response)) {
// If there is a XML node named response,
// we get the response that is a scalar.
$result['GET'] = (string)$get;
} else {
// Otherwise we extract the array from the XML node.
$result['GET'] = $this->_toArray($get->$action);
} else {
$result['ERROR'] = (string)$get;
// We add the response details if needed.
$response and $result['RESPONSE'] = $get;
} else {
$result = 'Enter some data and select an action.';
} catch (Exception $e) {
// If we catch an exception, we return the error message.
$result = '[' . __CLASS__ . '] ' . $e->getMessage();
return array($data, $action, $response, $methods, $result);
Extraction of the parameters from the GET request
private function _getParameters()
$data = isset($_GET['data'])? $_GET['data'] : '';
$action = isset($_GET['action'])? $_GET['action'] : null;
$response = empty($_GET)? 0 : !empty($_GET['response']);
return array($data, $action, $response);
Extraction of the data into a scalar or an array.
private function _parseData($data)
if (strpos($data, "\n") === false) {
return $data;
} else {
foreach(explode("\n", $data) as $line) {
$parts = explode('=', $line, 2);
if (count($parts) == 1) {
$parsed[] = trim($parts[0]);
} else {
$parsed[trim($parts[0])] = trim($parts[1]);
return $parsed;
Extraction of the array from the XML node- We ignore the status that is returned as an array element.
- We explore nodes recursively.
- We replace the keys generated by ZF Server with the corresponding index.
- Or we keep the key as it is.
private function _toArray($simpleXml)
$array = array();
foreach((array)$simpleXml as $key => $value) {
// We ignore the status that is returned as an array element.
if (!($key == 'status' and strtolower($value) == 'success')) {
// We explore nodes recursively.
$value instanceof SimpleXMLElement and $value = $this->_toArray($value);
if (preg_match('~^key_(\d+)$~', $key, $match)) {
// We replace the keys generated by ZF Server with the corresponding index.
$array[$match[1]] = $value;
} else {
// Or we keep the key as it is.
$array[$key] = $value;
return $array;